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          Всегда рядом с Вами!
Always with you!          

Social responsibility

Our cooperation with the partners is based on the social responsibility principle as well as on actual legislation and corporate documents.

Social responsibility principles

Towards the society:

- to organize the process of manufacturing and service in the most effective way taking in account business and society interests;

- to develop the infrastructure on the territory occupied by the company;

- to use energy-saving technologies, to provide ecological and industrial security ;

- new job positions

- to pay taxes that form republic and local budget and non budget funds;

- to implement significant projects for region social and economic  development;

- to render charitable assistance to social unprotected population strata of Pridnestrovie;

Towards the business partners and our customers:

- to cooperate taking in account the principles of transparency, justice and  impartiality and  moral ethic standards of business;

- The search for potential partners is made on the basis of researching the state of the market taking into account the supplier company reputation and its social responsibility and corporative management principles.

- researching our customers opinions  inside and outside the country help us to reveal and  eliminate promptly any shortcomings of goods quality, delivery terms, packing utility;

- forming database with customer claims concerning the products, discrepancies in delivery, that contributes to activity optimization

Towards the personnel

- job positions with competitive salaries and social benefits;

- safe conditions of work, social and living conditions as the health of our workers is declared as a company priority;

- assistance in the professional and cultural development of employees.