The main field of activity is trade. Conditionally the activity can be divided to the following branches:
- food stuff trading;
- fuel and lubricants sales.
We make a monitoring of company services quality throughout the client opinion surveys.
According to these marketing researches we determine where to open new supermarkets, enlarging the assortment, put some correcting to trade facilities working process.
To determine the directions of the company the surveys of population, focus groups, and expert assessment are analyzed.
The tastings are held in supermarkets to find out the customers' opinions about specific products. Since 2007 the polling are arranged steadily in retail store network aiming to get customers feedback and reveal their preferences.
The free of charge company hotline is Sworking to let every person to speak out about the supermarkets and petrol stations operating. Within 6 years more than 85 thousands of people let us know their opinions throughout questionnaires and hotline 0 800 33333.
You also can leave your concerns and suggestions on the web-site.